World Cuisine
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"世界上有很多從以前流傳到現在,但是我們沒有聽過,沒有體驗過的當地美食文化。這次的活動中,我們將用日本各個縣市的在地食材帶給您世界各地的珍奇美食,並且述說我們在各個國家,甚至是未知國家的旅行故事。在Shinjuku Warp您會發現有一條無形的線將日本和其他國家緊緊牽在一起。透過食物來認識新朋友吧!
In this event
we are going to taste rare food from all over the world,
made with Japanese fresh ingredient,
and enjoy stories from those different, still unknown counties
you will discover the invisible link between Japan and other countries
Eating, Drinking, Chatting
And making friends at the Shinjuku Warp!
we are going to make local cusine
from unknown areas of the world
using special products from different Japanese prefectures!"
The banner is composed of chopsticks, spoon, hand and a plate, which represents Japan, Italy and Africa.
The colors of the theme are green, red and orange. The chopsticks have Italian green; while spoon has Japanese red. And hand has orange that is a mixture of green and red.